Monday, August 9, 2010

Further evolution...

Morning Celebration, most recent version © 2010 Karen Lynn Ingalls

At this stage, painting involves lots of looking, lots of sitting quietly and simply studying the painting. For me, the act of painting is like conversing. Now I sit and wait for the painting to talk to me. The changes come more subtly now, but each change takes the painting closer and closer to where it wants to be. It has to tell me, and I have to listen.

Morning Celebration, with a yellow sky © 2010 Karen Lynn Ingalls

I'm now making most of the changes in the upper part of the painting. Can you detect the changes from this one, above, to the more recent stage at the top? It may be too hard to tell, on the web.

Just above, I had taken the sky to yellow, from cobalt teal (a lovely light turquoise blue; mixed with white, it makes a robin's egg blue) over other layers of colors. It felt a little too similar to the meadow, so the next stage was to bring more of the cobalt teal back into the sky (which you can see at the top). I think it's wanting a bit more of the cobalt teal, but the presence of the yellow was much needed. Each layer influences the layers over it. I probably have somewhere between ten and twenty layers of color in the sky.

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